Slides copied & digitized and transferred to DVD - Portraits by Hart

Slides copied & digitized and transferred to DVD - Portraits by Hart

Slides copied & digitized and transferred to DVD - Portraits by Hart

Slides copied & digitized and transferred to DVD - Portraits by Hart
Why come to Portraits by Hart?
Winners of over 50 SWPP Gold Awards
SWPP UK Digital Art Photographer of the Year
Over 50 years of experience
A personal & professional service
All finishing work carried out on the premises
Expert advice on framing your family portraits
We are celebrating 64 years in business
Slides, Negatives & Transparencies Copied & Scanned to DVD & Jpeg
Many of us have a collection of treasured old family slides & negatives we can no longer view. Now with the help of our cost efficient slide & negative copying & scanning service your treasured 35mm & 6x6cm family slides, transparencies & negatives can be transferred to DVD so you can easily watch them on your TV, PC or Mac.
Why choose us for copying, scanning & transferring your 35 mm slides & 6 x 6 cm transparencies & negatives to DVD?
At Portraits by Hart we have been copying & restoring old treasured photographs for well over forty years. In fact we were repairing and enhancing torn, damaged and stained photographs long before the computer revolution.
These days we carry out photograph restorations using the very latest computer technology, hardware and software. However, it’s a real advantage having knowledge and experience from the old analogue days. Even though many images are now output in some form of digital format, turning slides and negatives into a digital format economically requires experience of older optics and equipment in conjunction with the latest cameras and sensors.

Many of our photograph restoration customers have been asked if we can transfer & scan their collections of family slides, transparencies & negatives to DVD or as jpeg files on a memory stick so they can watch them on the TV or share them with friends. Until recently it was a costly process to undertake, especially if the slide & negative collection ran into the hundreds. Each slide or negative had to be scanned individually and the whole process was extremely time consuming. We knew there must be a way of copying slides to DVD or memory stick in a more cost effective manner. So we set about designing our own system. Finally following a lot of trial, error and expense we came up with the system seen in the pictures above. It’s a mixture of the best of the older technology and the best of the latest tech. The system comprises of a Kodak Carousel slide projector converted to daylight balanced LED lighting, this runs very cool and prevents any chance of damage to slides due to heat. It is run semi automatically by a micro controller & the images are captured by a high resolution digital camera. Once captured the images are processed, corrected and finally if required, they are edited together into a sequence in movie editing software. Once completed the sequence is rendered and output to DVD disks. If you simply require the images on a USB memory stick as Jpeg or Tiff files we can do this too.
All digital transfers are carried out in house. We never pass your treasured slides and transparencies on to a third party to run the risk of loss or damage. We understand how precious your memories are and we treat your slides as if they were our own.
We can also scan & archive your family photograph collections & photo albums to a digital format so they can be treasured by generations to come & we offer a full photograph restoration service. Your home video collections, cine films & audio tapes can also be converted and digitized, we offer an extensive digital conversion service.
If you would like more information and an idea of the cost of converting your collection of slides & transparencies please telephone the studio on 01384 422118. We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
We now offer a pickup & delivery service for local customers. Please contact us for details.
Below is an example of a selection of 35mm slides we recently copied & transferred to DVD for a customer.
All photographic & video to digital transfer services we provide are carried out in house by ourselves. We will never pass your treasured negatives, transparencies, video tapes & cine films on to a third party.
Many businesses & High Street chains offering these services do not carry out the work themselves, they forward it on to a third party. We carry out all of the work ourselves. When you hand your items over to us you are very often handing them to the person who will actually carry out carry out the work.